Wednesday, October 29, 2014

On "Norebang"

    "Norebang" is about the story of the lives of the Filipino wives, of the Koreans, who were racially abused because of their race, colors, and status in the Korean society. The speaker of the story is also a wife of a Korea, who experiences the same way as her fellow friends, Filipino wives. The story opened with a line, "She arrived as a guest and departed as an accompliance to a crime." The guest pertains to her, attending to a small gathering of Filipino wives in a Norebang, a videokehous. The crime stated symbolizes to the things they did during their time in the Norebang, which are showing their love for their country and to themselves as women not just "only" a woman of someone. They cried all out to express their feelings they have been storing since they came in the country. The characters in the story are majority Filipino wives, it shows in the story that racism is prevalent until the present.

    Norebang is a videokehouse however, it is not the case for the Filipino wives. For them, it is also a place where they could release all their negative feelings as well as place for them to forget their problems for a while, and enjoy and seize the moment and freedom that they have. The story ended with them hanging and comforting each other to reduce the sorrows and loneliness they were experiencing. This ending is a fair one because it shows that celebrating who you are is just and is a good way for you to move on and get stronger knowing that you have the people that will be there for you, no mater what.

   The story helps us to be aware of this negative issues about racism. This gives us the time to understand the sorrows other Filipinos abroad experiencing.

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