Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"Pahimakas sa Isang Ahente" Review: The Unexpected

     "Pahimakas sa Isang Ahente" is a new way of telling a story showing the past and present of the life of the main character making the message and the ideas of the story much clearer to the viewer. The play also gives way to the viewers to widen their minds and think deeper in certain situations.

The ticket of the play. Photo from the blogger (c)
    The narrative of the play amazed me because from the title of it, I expected it to be in the setting of the early 80s or 90s. The content of the play is such a powerful one for me, it makes me, as a viewer, realize that we should learn how to forgive and forget, and we should stop comparing other people to another since we have different strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, the venue is different compared to the common way of presenting a play. 

    Making the stage at the located at the center of the venue was a great idea because it made the audiences to also feel the emotions and be part of the play as well. I think, the lights and music were also "in-time" meaning, the people behind really rehearsed well so they know when they need to on-off the lights or put a background music in certain parts of the story --- it actually made the play more REALISTIC! Again, as a viewer, the actors deserve a rating of 10; because I think, the attitude of their roles or the characters that they are portraying is different from who really they are. They are always in character even after the play during the photo session outside the venue. 

Picture with the character in the bar scene after the play.
Photo from the blogger. (c)

    Overall, I DID enjoy the play! Actually, it gave me an idea to try being a stage actor, but I guess it is not the right time. The title of the story may seemed obvious of what would happen to the main character, but as the saying goes "do not judge the book by its cover," same with the play, you cannot judge the play by its title because you will not know what might happen since not all the titles usually feature of what is the story all about. Because of these things, it made the play THE UNEXPECTED!

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